Stewardship + Healing
My foundation is based on two-way communication, respect/trust, compassion and freedom. It is my belief that a relationship can feel whole for both parties when we take the time to deeply learn and understand one another. Learning to tap into our own truth and intuition through working with horses can guide us into a more authentic and honest way of living. It is my hope that my offerings assist in the process of opening our hearts to the joys of the wild and all that nature holds.
My horses are not here to please you
I am not here to please you.
Before you come with your expectations and preconceived ideas about who I am
Make sure you take the time to observe me in my natural habitat.
I can hear a bird take flight across the fields
I know well before the elk arrive that they are already on their way
Before the snow falls or the rain pours down, I am preparing my body to keep warm
I will lead you to where there is hidden grass underneath a fallen tree.
Before you have even thought about approaching me, I am prepared to meet you
I can feel the baggage of domestication you carry in your bones
The tiresome years that have hardened your soul,
The daily ties of a life you do not wish to be living.
I too have been forced to follow a trail I did not wish to take
To carry the weight of another being is a huge task
But to carry the emotional weight is even larger
I am not here to heal you
Your grief is too big for me to undertake
I can only hope that my wildness will show you the way
Of going back to your heart
A place with no fear
Where dreams are alive.
I know you see your reflection in my eyes
My breath a soft whisper of a life without pain
Lean in, listen to the inspiration my electric being brings
My existence so pure
It requires a selfless devotion so great
A place of vulnerability where there is room to create.
I am not here for your pleasure
My existence thrives without your touch
Without your games I am free to be me
And who am you may ask?
I am a horse, a creature meant to run freely.
Our four foundational values
With gentle hands, a soft touch, and an open heart we teach the horse we are not there to control or hurt them. We are there to nurture the hooves that carry their magnificent bodies. With compassion comes love, and with love we cannot go wrong if we are truly embracing the being in front of us as their own special individual. With compassion we are heart centered, open, supple, raw, ready to learn.
Two-Way Communication
Here is where we honor both individuals. We can practice active listening and come to a place where both beings hold the power to share their needs and desires. This is a place where we can say no.
Respect builds trust
Because we have established a safe, loving way to communicate we trust enough to respect the other and set our healthy boundaries and be met within our limitations. Knowing our limits gives room for growth, as we can learn to push ourselves and our horse to our edge where we can safely learn together.
We feel comfortable enough to express ourselves with full authenticity, and allow our horses to do the same. We celebrate our freedom by running with the wind and chasing our heart’s desires.