Ember is the matriarch. A force to be reckoned with, like a tiger she moves proudly and confidently. Although she is not a mustang, she is wild at heart.
Having been saved from a kill pen she lived out with a herd for half her life, with little to no interaction in the human world. Her relationship with humans over the years (although we don’t know what they were like) caused her to shut down and spiral inward.
She is the most gentle soul I have ever met, yet her softness seems to come with a cost to her own spirit having been broken. Most days you can’t catch her, before you’ve even entered the corral she’s already seen right through your intentions and isn’t about to let you get away with any nonsense.
She moves slowly and carefully and only comes in when you’ve softened your heart and hands. She has been a gift and healer as I began my journey into motherhood, walking by my side so sweet and tenderly.