Apache Moon


Moon is a young mustang from the Eagle Mountain HMA in Nevada. Rounded up from the wild as a young filly, most likely still at her mother’s side. She was quickly adopted and her first interactions with humans left her abused and traumatized.

She came to me through a connection with a dear friend. She arrived scared of everything- the wheelbarrow, a hat, a loud voice. A halter had been placed on her head, but had been stuck on her for a year. Romeo tore the halter off her one night shortly after she arrived, and her rewilding journey began.

Slowly overtime she’s learned my body and how I take care of the others, and I have learned how she communicates. She is quick to put up walls and fight back due to being beaten down so hard. I continue to hold the space for her light to shine so she can feel safe playing as she grows back into the wild one she was born to be.

Anna Y.

Hi, I’m the “Anna” part of Assisted by Anna (surprise)! I help practitioners polish and publish their websites (in just one day!) so they can focus on connecting with the people who need them most.



